Debunking 3 Myths About Geothermal HVAC in Portsmouth, VA

Many residents of Portsmouth, VA, have discovered the benefits of geothermal HVAC systems. However, some people have questions and may have heard false claims about them. We’ll review some common myths about geothermal heating and cooling.

Geothermal Systems Can Only Heat

Some people mistakenly believe geothermal systems serve only as heaters. While they can heat Portsmouth, VA, homes and commercial spaces, they can also cool houses and other buildings.

In the winter, these systems absorb heat from the ground and transfer it inside. In the summer, the opposite occurs, as they absorb heat from the indoors and send it outdoors.

Geothermal Systems Require Large Properties

Yes, some geothermal systems involve horizontal loops. You would need enough space for all the piping to get one of these systems. This might be feasible if you have a half-acre or more.

For smaller properties, you could have a vertical loop system installed. In this case, we’d need much less space as we would dig further into the ground to install the piping. Even with a small yard, you may be able to take advantage of geothermal heating and cooling.

Geothermal Systems Are Too Expensive

Any kind of HVAC system requires a significant initial expense. The price tags and installation costs of geothermal systems may seem high.

However, you should take other things into consideration when thinking about financing. The outdoor part of a geothermal HVAC system can last 50 years. Compare that to having to replace a furnace and air conditioner every 15 years or so.

Also, this kind of heating and cooling approach can potentially lower your utility bills by a significant amount, and the long-term savings can add up. Additionally, you may qualify for tax breaks if you install geothermal at your place.

We hope to help more customers realize the benefits of geothermal HVAC systems. Learning more about them can clear up misconceptions. To learn more about how a geothermal HVAC system might work for your place in Portsmouth, VA, call our team at Hats Off Heating & Cooling.

Image provided by iStock

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